Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
“Today I ask you to go inward, to reflect on your life, on what you have, on what you want to bring into your life. Refrain from outward busyness today and focus your attention on being, not doing. I would like to remind you that your actions are hollow unless they are built on self-reflection. I caution you to do so in a loving manner, though, as I always work with you from a place of love.”
Your Angel Number For Today:
5 – Encourages you to trust your intuition, your inner knowing. Your intuition is heightened when it is coupled with greater self-knowing based on self-reflection.
Action Steps:
Take time today to reflect on your behavior, the thoughts that fill your head, where you’d like to go, who you have in your life, and why. Do so with love for who you are, how far you’ve come, and what you’ve overcome. Attempt to see how “mistakes” or “missteps” were opportunities to learn and grow.
Affirmation Of The Day:
Self-reflection is an integral part of my spiritual, mental, and physical health.
Love & Blessings