Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
“It is an ironic thing: you are asked to be your strongest when you feel the weakest. Always remember when you are feeling down, know that I am giving you the strength to make it through. When challenging situations arise at times, and you are left feeling powerless, I am guiding you to find the courage to overcome this obstacle. As your guardian angel, I am watching over you to empower your spirit to lift up and rise above the tough times.”
Your Angel Number For Today:
4 – Today’s angelic number asks you to fortify your internal world. Protect yourself from people, places, and situations that make you feel inadequate. Focus on your inner resilience and take heart that you have a network of support. Your inner foundation is strong because of your connection to me and you can use this faith to get you through anything.
Action Steps:
Reflect on a time when you had to let your faith carry you through. Focus on how it feels to be weak and powerless – what motivated you to overcome this feeling? How can you share this hope with others who may be in a similar situation as you?
Affirmation Of The Day:
I find strength and power in my weakness, my faith overcomes times of bleakness.
Love & Blessings