Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
When I bring things into your life I do so with love. When you do for others do so out of love and release the need to expect something in return. Know that what you give will be returned to you tenfold, but not necessarily from the person you extended something to. It will be an exciting surprise to find yourself the recipient of something unexpected. Trust that the goodwill you extend to others always comes back to you.
Your Angel Number For Today:
6 – Today’s angelic number supports relationships. Expand your circle of love to include those you encounter in your daily life, those you hear about in the news, friends and family. Hold them in your thoughts and prayers. As your community grows, so does your happiness.
Action Steps:
Spend today sending good vibes to everyone who comes to mind.This can be a quick and simple thought to wish them well.
Affirmation Of The Day:
When I do things out of love my community grows, I extend good thoughts to everyone I know.
Love & Blessings