Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
You may wish for a place with no tears, fears, and concerns. This is the benefit of Heaven, where you have complete serenity. The real beauty of Heaven though is being with God. Each day you have the ability to be with God in your heart. I encourage you to spend time today finding Heaven on Earth within your heart.
Your Angel Number For Today:
11 – Today’s angelic number allows you to bridge the divine and physical world. You are a direct conduit for the divine world to manifest in physical form. Likewise, your physical form is an expression of the divine. Within your being is a connection to both Heaven and Earth. Cherish this.
Action Steps:
Connect to your body. Remember you are a divine being in physical form. Stand tall and take calming breaths. Feel your feet rooted into the Earth and the top of your head open to the Heaven. The two meet within your heart.
Affirmation Of The Day:
I am a bridge between the physical and divine, my body is a direct connection line.
Love & Blessings