Hi ...
Archangel 's Message For You Today:
It takes a dark night for you to see the brightest stars. If there is too much light, the beauty of the sky is washed away. Similarly, it takes tough times for the light of God to shine. If you are feeling troubled, remember that I am with you. I am always protecting you and keeping you safe with divine light. This is your opportunity to see the light within the darkness. Have faith this is only a passing moment.
Your Angel Number For Today:
7 – Today’s angelic number supports contemplation. Deep feelings need the space to be felt and processed. If you are too busy to tune into yourself, your feelings pile up and this causes an imbalance to your physical, mental and emotional health.
Action Steps:
You are encouraged today to retreat and let your emotions surface. You will be refreshed after you give yourself the time to get in touch with what you’re truly feeling.
Affirmation Of The Day:
The lights shine the brightest in the dark, I give myself space for new feelings to spark.
Love & Blessings