Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Your entire life is made up of a trillion moments of nows. The current moment is where all the action takes place. If you’ve found yourself getting too ahead into the future recently with worries or projection, try to come back to the present. Gifts and opportunities come to you every day. Be expecting a few today as I am watching over you closely and bringing joy to your life. As much as you plan, the future is bound to turn out differently. Your connection to me is strengthened when you learn to trust things as they are unfolding.

Your Angel Number For Today:

4 Today’s angelic number encourages you to make choices in the present that align with your spiritual integrity. Stay in tune with your soul’s truth. Do not choose options because you fear the future if you don’t do what is most reasonable. Logic isn’t always the best option. Use your inner compass to guide you.

Action Steps:

Trust your intuition today. Your inner knowing is prompting you to take action. Your future only comes through the present moment. Ensuring you are remaining connected to spirit is the quickest way to your dreams coming to life.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Life is made up of a series of moments in the now, I stay aligned with my spirit, trusting and not asking how.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team