Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

It is easy to begin to count the days, whether you are seeing how far you’ve come from the past or how much you have to go until the future. It can be distracting though to count years, months, and days. I encourage you to measure time spiritually rather than linearly. When you begin to move with the spirit of time, you are in a flow. Don’t be counting minutes, just tune into the present moment. Do what feels right for you and take your time. Savour the beauty of nature, enjoy the taste of your meal, cherish time with loved ones. Living this way nourishes your soul.

Your Angel Number For Today:

6 Today’s angelic number calls you to seek balance and harmony in your life. Move at your own pace and do what feels right from within. Go about accomplishing your priorities as you feel called. There is no rush. Do what you feel must be done first and then see what comes next, rather than having a set agenda of what to accomplish.

Action Steps:

Create a to-do list but let it be your guide. Move in harmony with your body. Rest when you feel called to and be productive when it feels aligned.

Affirmation Of The Day:

I take action when the time feels right, I choose my own pace from day to night.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team