Hi ...

Archangel 's Message For You Today:

Everyone has made mistakes – you included. Today I remind you that it is by pardoning others that you experience the same grace that is granted to you by God. You can mess up countless times and I am still going to love and care for you. Practice showing this same compassion to others. You do not need to let someone continue to hurt you, but you can forgive them for their unawareness and move on with love.

Your Angel Number For Today:

9 Today’s angelic number supports empathy and compassion. Think of the plight of others. Keep in mind that everyone has their own challenges to go through. Be gentle and remember you might not always know the battles others are facing. Give them the benefit of the doubt.


Action Steps:

Practice extending your heart towards others. If you feel slighted by someone today, tune into your heart. Imagine love growing in your chest. Then extend this light outward to them and say “I forgive you.” This powerful practice is something you can continue to use to heal your misunderstandings.

Affirmation Of The Day:

Everyone makes mistakes but I can extend grace, I know there might be suffering behind a happy face.

Love & Blessings

angel oasis team