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Divine guidance

Archangels Keep Protecting Us From Spiritual Harm And Evil

Archangels Keep Protecting Us From Spiritual Harm And Evil, And Can Be Called Upon For Guidance In Certain Situations 

Archangels, which in Greek means “Chief Angels”, are at top of the angelic hierarchy in terms of the power they possess. These are created by God, and they fulfill many purposes in our lives.  Catholic Church recognizes the existence of three Archangels viz. Michael (who is like God?), Gabriel – God’s Power, and Raphael – …

Angel Number 239

Understand The Meaning And Importance Of Angel Number 239 In Your Life

Numbers surround you. You deal with numbers daily, and your lives would not be possible without them. But have you consistently noticed the same number? Are you intrigued to learn and comprehend the significance of Angel Number 239 when you see it repeatedly? Your Guardian Angel may send you a secret message or give instructions …

healing crystal

3 Healing Crystals That High-School Students Need To Have

For hundreds of thousands of years, people have resorted to alternative medicine to cure the mind, spirit, and body. Do you know about one of the most popular alternative medicine available? It involves healing crystals. In recent times, healing crystals have shot to fame at an incredible speed. The thing is, healing crystals help connect …