
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR 12 May 2024 to 18 May 2024


Jan 20 - Feb 18


This period might find you in a contemplative mood, pondering over the deeper questions of life. Your relationships with those closest to you could become more profound as you seek a deeper connection and understanding. Communicate openly with loved ones and allow them into your inner world.


In professional matters, you could be feeling the need to align your career with your personal values. This might be a good time to consider if your current job is fulfilling on a deeper level or if you're merely going through the motions. Honesty with oneself will be crucial.

Angelosis travel Travel

Travel might take on a spiritual or educational bend. Visiting places of historical significance or spiritual enlightenment can offer the meaningful experience you crave. Solo journeys or quiet pilgrimages could be particularly rewarding.


Emotionally, there might be a push and pull between wanting solitude and seeking emotional support from others. Balance will be key. Don’t be afraid to lean on someone you trust when you feel the need.


Your mental health may be at the forefront during this time. Consider practices that nurture your psychological and emotional wellbeing, such as mindfulness or talking therapies. Physical exercise that you find mentally soothing, like swimming or long walks in nature, could also be beneficial.

Angelosis luck Luck

Colors of the day : Fuschia, Ochre

Lucky Numbers of the day : 1, 2

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : F, O

Cosmic Tip : Reflect on the profound mysteries black holes represent.

Tips for Singles : Avoid discussing controversial topics on the first date unless both are comfortable.

Tips for Couples : Maintain a joint health journal or diary.


Horoscope Predictions For Every Week and Month